What time does it start and end?
The #InnerCityWineRoute starts at 5.30pm and tastings end at 8.30pm. Venues are open till late so you can stay wherever you are and continue to enjoy yourself.
How does it work?
You take your ticket to one of the ticket stations as indicated on the map on our website. At the ticket station you will receive a glass, a wristband and a map. This then entitles you to taste wine at each of the venues on the route. You can follow the route in any order and at any time between 5.30pm and 8.30pm in Cape Town. We encourage you to start a little earlier so that you are not disappointed if towards the end of the evening some producers run out of wine to taste. This can happen.
Do I have to pay for tastings?
No. Tastings are included in your ticket price.
Is food extra?
Food is not included in your ticket price and this will be for your expense at any of the venues on the route. Most venues have very delicious “food-on-the-go” options for wine tuners travelling the #InnerCityWineRoute. And when you are done, sit down and enjoy something more substantial with a bottle of your favourite producer’s wine.
How do I buy wine?
We do encourage you to support our wine producers by buying their wine. Order form the wine producer on the night and visit the farm.
I have a friend who does not drink. Do they need a ticket?
You will only need a ticket if you are tasting wines. Friends who are not participating in tastings do not need a ticket.
Can I buy tickets on the day?
Yes you can, but these tickets on the day for R220. Tickets are R200 for the #InnerCityWineRoute if you buy them online. So it is best to get your tickets online before the time.